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Monday, July 18, 2011

Land Selection and Preparation for Tea Cultivation

Land is the most important property in agriculture. If we consider it more further, soil is the priceless property in our agricultural lands. These posts will describe and explain how a land should be selected and prepared for tea cultivation without leaving the land to be eroded and precious soil is washed off with runoff water. Kindly click on the "Land Preparation" button above or follow the links below to read them in detail.


  1. Dear Madam, Sir,

    Student in firth year in agro-developement international, I get in touch with you as for a project from my speciality “vegetal tropical production”.
    Our group of four would like to offer our services for the realisation of a study about agronomical problematics.

    Productivity, diseas or crop management to adapt can be some themes.

    Do not hesitates to contact me to get more informations,

    Amandine Dubourg

  2. Hi;

    This is a really good load of information. Pls keep writing this blog !



Agronomic Practices for High Yielding Tea Plantation

This blog is meant for discussing proper agronomic practices applied in tea cultivation, where you can discuss and have answers for tea related agronomic and other problems.